Morning Walk with the Winemaker: Purpose.

On this morning's walk, Jerry Discusses Purpose and why PROJECT M values the minute.

This is an edited transcript of the Morning Walk: Purpose Video.


As a Gen X er, I have a very different relationship with purpose than people from the generation before me and the generations that have come after me. For my parent's generation, it was:  security, safety, get a job that you went to every day whether you liked it or not. You did it to buy a house, save for retirement, and maybe put a little scratch aside for your kids to go to college, with the expectation that they would rinse and repeat. It didn't matter if the companies you did it for were extractive or polluting or morally inexcusable in any way. It's just what you did.


Generations after us are very, very interested in purpose. We sort of left him with a mess that demands that they be sort of consumed with purpose. You see it in their consumer choices, you see it in the way they interact with the world, you see it with the jobs they take, and the companies they work for, their expectations.


And so Gen X, we were left to ourselves for most of our lives to raise ourselves, and all we really knew was we didn't want to do what our parents did. So we were intent on rejecting that, but we didn't have a clear idea of what we wanted to do. And I think some of us, myself, certainly among them, at some point, decided that we can make choices about why we did the things we did. And that we could have purpose and value greater than our own personal lives and our own limited sphere of influence.

So when we launched PROJECT M, we had these big ideas for purpose, you know, we were going to change things we had big ambitions, big ideas, we wanted to change the world, like a lot of startups.


And you realize that the world doesn't change overnight. It's not a big, monolithic Herculean effort that changes the world. It's small. Small incremental changes that are the result of intention and action repeated. And if you're successful, other people take up that intention, that action, and repeat it.


So this idea of change happens on a micro-level. We decided with project M  to really focus on the unit of one minute. That is the unit that we sort of try to affect change in. What I mean by that is, when you receive an email from us, we want that email to improve your minute. When you receive a box of our wine, and you open it, we hope that minute has a positive impact on you. If when you take our wine on a date or to a party, we change your moment and the moment of the people you share that wine with.


Our Mbassador (wine) Club has initiatives like the shared community program where you can use your love of PROJECT M to support organizations and activities in your community. (Initiatives) That will change the moment, not just for you but for the people around you.


That's what we try to do. That's our intention; to just make one minute of your life, the minute you interact with our brand, better than it would be if you didn't.